Marquee Resources (ASX:MQR) to begin metallurgical testing of Werner Lake core samples

Marquee Resources Ltd has signed an agreement with SGS Canada Inc to conduct flotation and hydrological test work on the Werner Lake Project in Canada.

Marquee has completed five diamond drill holes – one from the Old Mine Zone and four from the West Cobalt target area in order to collect about 150 kilograms of material for metallurgical testing of the mineralisation at Werner Lake.

Five small caps that have gained more than 300pc in 2018

Baraka has had an action-packed year culminating in a recent boardroom clean-out and a promise to “long suffering BKP shareholders, we have heard your call for change”.

It’s nonetheless been a rewarding year for shareholders who hung in there with the stock moving from 0.1c as high as 0.9c.

Baraka owns a permit to drill for petroleum in an attractive basin (Southern Georgina) in the Northern Territory. A moratorium on fracking meant it remained idle but regulatory changes in April look set to change that.